Info to keep you warm from Yahoo 1) Acuity holds ONC/Y in 11 different funds that they have, representing just under 25% ownership of the company.
2) The largest holding is in "Acuity Investment Management Inc", with almost 13.5 million shares, or over 18% of ONC/Y ownership.
3) The Acuity Investment Management Inc fund has holdings of $1,607,809,000 at year end reporting for 2011.
4) The fund holds 122 stocks in total.
5) ONC/Y represents the 17th largest holding of the fund, or 3.38% of the total fund.
6) That ONC/Y is the 17th largest holding in the fund is already pretty amazing. What puts this into perspective is the names that are above on the list. So what are the bigger holdings still? Teck Resources (3.77%), Canadian National Railway (3.92%), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (3.82%), Magna International ((4.75%), Canadian Natural Resources (4.91%), Bank of Nova Scotia (6.01%), Suncor Energy, Royal Bank, T.D get the picture. The point here is that a tiny biotech (relatively speaking) is in the company of giants.
7) However the plot thickens: In February of 2011, AGF Funds acquired all of Acuity, i.e., they own Acuity. So when we say Acuity, we are really saying AGF, with over $53 billion in assets.
8) Now look on the list again. Who is the biggest holder listed after Acuity? Strangely enough, it's AGF ;)
9) AGF Canadian Stock Fund is a new one with 144,000 shares added.
10) Now add in AGF Investments Inc, for another 310,000 shares.
11) There's another small amount somewhere in AGF Funds, with the TOTAL in AGF funds now standing at 537,144 shares, an increase of 69% over total holdings from the previous reporting period. ( )
12) Its interesting to see that AGF owns Acuity, and now AGF is acquiring shares as well under it's own brand addition to the shares being purchased under the Acuity name.
Follow the BIG money ;)