Riddle me this What prevents insiders from injecting capital into the private company now that an arms length deal was struck? A deal with a company that did not have sufficient capital when they put ink to paper
Depending on how the capital/shares for the Private company are structured, for the sum of $5.3 million you could effectively take a 26.63% stake in the parcel
Anyhow, this stock IMO is not going to move until funds are confirmed and I personally will be a little suspicious of the how and who is funding this "private company"
Granted if the deal is done the drill will turn but if they hit pay do you not think the private group will monetize the play versus operate.
I'll bite if and when this advances and there are confirmed monies in the the till. Although there is little downside at this price it could be the last dance if the deal falls through and mooncor will have to reinvent itself.