RE: Grade ?
Furlouie, “There appears to be potential for large tonnage..The question that we should all be asking is;Is the grade high enough to sustain a profitable mining operation /.
Although it's still early, it is probable that "mill head " grade will be about 0.60 g/t. That translates to 0.02 ounces per ton x $1650 per ounce = $33.00 per ton.”
Kinross’s Fort Knox, Alaska
“Fort Knox is mined as a conventional truck and shovel open pit mine. The deposit has
yielded slightly less than 163 million tonnes (179.6 M tons) of ore containing 4.61 million ounces of gold since 1996.”
Proven + Probable 4.35 Moz, Grade 0.43 g/t, 314.67 MT
M &I 1.44 Moz, Grade 0.40 g/t, 112.1 MT and
Inferred 297 Koz, Grade 0.41 g/t, 22.18 MT
Cheers, Mark