Look at slide 9 of CAN presentation... Clearly there is more exploration upside here at the other targets of Majiri, Majiri Bomba, Kwadijava and Kwadijava South. All of the PRICE targets are based only on Magambazi. Developing a gold district does not happen over night, so we may one see at $10-$15 share price, but it will not happen overnight.
For Magambazi CAN drilled 100,000 meters, and they are now drilling x2 that, 200,000 by June 2012. A total of 200,000 metres of drilling is going on right now till year end. The entire strike length of Magambazi will be drill-tested, with approximately 500 additional holes totalling 95,000 metres by the end of June 2012.
An additional 20,000 metres of diamond drilling is targeted at high priority targets developed at Kuta, Kwadijava, and Magambazi Deep. In addition, the comprehensive exploration program will provide for immediate diamond drill follow-up of favourable targets developed from ongoing RC drilling.