A MARKET FOR UNDT!!!! March 20, 2012 - Enformable - U.S. Report Details Serious Safety Issues With Nuclear Regulation and Evaluating the Security of U.S. Nuclear Material - One of the most serious threats facing the United States and other countries is the possibility that other nations or terrorist organizations could steal a nuclear warhead or nuclear weapon-usable materials from poorly secured stockpiles around the world, or that nations could divert nuclear material intended for peaceful purposes to the development of nuclear weapons. In 1987, an accident involving a medical device containing about 1,400 curies of cesium-137, killed four people in Brazil’s Goiania region and injured many more. The accident and its aftermath caused about $36 million in damages to the region. The decontamination process required the demolition of homes and other buildings and generated 3,500 cubic meters of radioactive waste. According to IAEA, there were 2,164 confirmed cases of illicit trafficking in nuclear and radiological materials worldwide from 1993 through 2011. In prepared testimony presented March 14 to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee on oversight of government management, the federal workforce and the District of Columbia, the GAO warns of many severe lapses in security of US nuclear materials not only inside our borders, but also with US nuclear materials in international countries.