RE: Intelligent investors "he is willing to put his own self interests before the shareholders."
Willing, lol, willing? Downright eager, I'd suggest, especially after the revelation of the big pay bump and bonus shown in last year's filings. Wonder what his related-party transactions have totalled since Brian McClay was first associated with MSQ in the early 1990s?
And he and his are, according to his statements to Thom Calandra, much, much larger shareholders than the Sedi records show..."Brian McClay and his family own 5.5 million shares of the 72 million shares outstanding. China entrepreneurs, including company chairman Hungxue Fu, are also large owners, he says"...
We've seen how ex-chairman and major shareholder Fu has been treated (no representation). Do you think that he and his are treated as unfairly? Doubtful indeed...especially considering the almost $250,000 which MSQ loaned to his son a year or two back and which was first revealed in the September 30, 2011, financials.