RE: RE: RE: Before you count your chickens... Well the guy goes on and on about worrying that INT willl sue him, clearly he doesn't know the difference between free speech and libel. You are free to give your opinion whether Canadian or American and you are free to even put into print "in my opion, (something) is a scam" but you best back that up with the reasons you think so. To print "(something) is a scam" while providing no evidence or providing "evidence" that isn't actually evidence can be proven to be libel which is different from free speech. I didn't read all of the guy's drivel as it's my opinion his blog is for the sole purpose of discrediting a pretty major competitor of his own translating software. I didn't see from what I read any instances of libel though he did provide a link to what appeared to be a libelous statement on another guy's blog but he does provide a link as one of his items of "proof " to some "xyologic" site and in his Dec 7 post gives the numbers as "According to XYologic, a company that specializes in mobile analysis and metrics, the Ortsbo iPhone app has been downloaded a total of about 50,000 times worldwide-83% of those in Canada. Click here to see it yourself."
When I clicked there TODAY under the country "CA" it said 14000 downloads in Canada representing 31.6% of downloads and under the "US" stats shows 27000 representing 61.6% of downloads so if Canada had 83% of 50000 downloads showing in their site on Dec 7 then the stats on that site and they don't give a specific time period perhaps they reset the counter each year, their stats are incorrect at that site or the blogger who owns a translating business lied about what it said in December, or some other such thing.