Logic???? Certainly most of us are hoping for a buyout offer. But where will it come from? Logic says Batista, odds are there will not be a competitive bid, What will it take to interest Batista? Without doubt a good Cali 43-101 will catch his interest. Schiff's conservative estimate of 1.5 million ounces would probably do it, anything above that is gravy.
Do not lose sight of the two cross cut tracts across Batistaville that GWY owns. This has to be a real irritant to Batista and even though only not very wide, they are mineable! Logic again says that Batista must have an interest in acquiring GWY, particularly with the infrastructure and plant being built on the adjacent VEN property. The more throughput, the more profit. This is a true no brainer for Batista. The GWY ultra silence leads to my best guess, a deal is in the works with Batista. It could account for the silence by GWY and the lack of interest in increasing shareholder value. It may not be necessary
Go ahead, we have a week, pick me apart or let's here some other scenarios.