A Gold Mine Is... "A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar standing next to it." This quote is often attributed to Mark Twain. Sadly, even a hundred years after Twain's death, this quote is just still as pertinent.
Here are some quotes from Lori's 2009 interview https://www.wallstreetreporter.com/2009/11/st-elias-mines-tsx-v-sli-ceo-interview/ At the time SLI was trading at 0.19. Sadly, little more has been discovered or proven up since this interview, yet the share price went up over 1400% while the sharebase was diluted at least 20%. The only value that went up was percieved value.
"We can explore forever almost for nothing"
Yet you raised 1.5mil in funds in for exploration the same year you said this. Fast forward to 2011 and you spent 11mil that year. Less than 1 million was spent on actual exploration.
"We have all the safety in the world in the Tesoro property because of what we are getting right now, and we can go on forever proving up reserves."
Proving up reserves? What reserves have ever been proven beyond 4460 oz?
"Near the surface the veins are very narrow but as we get down further they widen, they widen, they widen, they widen."
I know a few drill cores that disagree with you.
"We want to put some deep drill holes in there to see if we can find the source of the whole Nazca Ocoña belt."
Yes, because the source of the whole Nazca Ocona belt must be on your property.
"We can't kill the tesoro, it's absolutely impossible, without even doing the geophisics and the deep drill programs that we have planned...the Tesoro property will go on forever, we're proving up reserves in accordance with 43-101 and it's not costing us anything because we're making money from our development material.... we could go on for 10 years doing that and getting the gold, proving it up, proving it up. You drill it, you can't kill it."
Proving what up? What reserves? The last drill results were a knock out punch. Will forthcoming results be the final death blow? We'll see.
"We're proving up reserves and it's not costing us anything. Everybody else out there has to pay through the nose to prove up reserves and they don't get di ck back. There's no dilution, there's no risk to us."
No risk, yeah right. That's a good one. There's no dilution? Then what do you call those financings?