Simply Amazing! It all started with a declaration of a multi BILLION dollar PONZI scheme - at least according to Carson Block who had a vested interest in the decline in share price. Let me say that again. Carson Block had a vested interest in the decline of the share price. Did you really expect something positive to flow from his mouth?
$50,000,000 and several months of investigation has CLEARLY revealed that Block was W-R-O-N-G.
Everything keeps being deflected to a lesser and lesser and lesser offence - even to say that the third party AIs refuse to be audited. What a joke! No one in the Western world expects a third party to be audited either! But for some unknown reason it is viewed as a conspiracy or downright wrong in the case of Sino Forest...go figure.
Has the OSC OFFICIALLY charged SF of anything? NO.
Has their been any OFFICIAL evidence of fraud? NO.
Has the media defamed, tainted, declared, and represented Sino Forest as a fraud? Absolutely, YES.
With approximately 50% of SF being owned institutionally, you can bet the shorts are going to have quite a difficult time covering at low prices. I honestly fear for them if they haven't covered yet. Unlike the shorts on this board who gleefully await our (longs) demise, I wish no ill will to anyone who might lose a small fortune...
I am hoping that the analysts who originally covered this stock (and were in constant praise) obtain the courage to speak out for something they once strongly believed in. No doubt it might cost some of them their jobs. Thanks to those people like Susan Mallin who weren't afraid to speak the truth with no vested interest.
Those that deliberately short a stock and spread damnable heresies in order to initiate a price decline are the scum of the earth and should be prosecuted for market manipulation. Shame to everyone who follows along like little sheep in their wake...