The Next GREAT one from PANTHER This is Goodbye from PANTHERSunite for awhile!
I started off on the GREAT PANTHER MESSAGE board a few years back as I was extremely interested in and excited about Great Panther Resources, hence the name PANTHERSunite.....My first messages were there and I really liked GPR around 50 cents! (as I do SLX at 50 cents).....since then GPR has risen to almost $5.00 dollars and pulled back to it current price just over $2.00 dollars (and I still like it!)
NOW...I like SILVERMEX even better AT THESE PRICES and believe it has the potential to run to $5.00 dollars and then some INTO THE FUTURE.
I posted on Great Panther and MANY other message boards many times and recieved many ignores because of my big fonts and seeming stupid style of messages.....I am NOW going to final message HERE for awhile.
Will not come back until SLX goes OVER $1.00!
Those who have read my simple silly messages and done some research have probably found themselves with many winners over the past few years!
GOODBYE until SLX goes over $1 dollar
ps: How long do you think it will take for SLX to move over $1 dollar???