Arbitration Well. magical forces of the stock market failed to breakdown support price, seems like no backdoor deals were achieved by ILJIN (well it's kind of hard to get those deals when majority of shares are hold by retailers). Retrospectively, the decision made by ISA not to let ILJIN to get the control over the company I have to say benefits small shareholders. If ILJIN wanted to act in good faith, well, we would have a takeover proposition on the table by now (with nice, sweet bonus to existing price). Of course, there is one venue that ILJIN might pursue that I would consider as negative and dishonest to shareholders, that would be partial takeover (probably that would include proxy battle between management and ILJIN) where ILJIN would present let's say 30-40% sweetener to existing share prices with the goal to achieve over 50% of ownership. This option usually doesn't work in a case when retailers own most of the shares (the possibility of backroom deal is significantly reduced). So, we have arbitration, where ILJIN will probably address Foster and other stakeholders with some sort of enticements in order to bypass retailers. Please note, that I used the term stakeholders, I didn't used the term shareholders. The arbitration process might be sometimes positive, however in the light of continuous process of shares being artificially (IMHO) hold down at the support level, I would consider the arbitration process as an opportunistic try ( by ILJIN ) to get the control of the company ownership at discounted price. At this point we can have only faith in Foster that he will look after interests not only stakeholders, but also all the shareholders (read retailers). Isaloser, I can hear you ranting (faith in ISA, faith in the management), please, I want you to be focused now, I want you to be sharp, put that bottle away and take your medication. I know you are intelligent and smart man and I want your opinion based on merits and facts.No ranting. I know you can do it. Best regards.George.