RE: RE: RE: RE: Financing - I'll explain - and 'lo
no, I did not know the updated Resource/Reserve is available on August 29th but thank's for the clarification. Do you think there will be any Reserve left at Roy Lloyd at that time?
So tell me, what is the status of EP, is it going to keep on going with no slow down until the phase 2 and 3 studies are complete or not, I am honestly interested?
Also, is there a pre-Feasiblility study underway on Golden Heart or at least has there been the beginnings of a mine plan started yet?
Is the company going back to the original Reserve on Komis to plan mining it with an open pit and if so how will they reconcile the old Resource which was used to generate the Reserve with the updated Resource?
How are they going to deal with the big open stopes that exist near surface when they go to open pit the deposit?
The old Resource did not take into account the location, grade and tonnes the open stopes represent in their model so I find it hard to understand how you can have a mine plan without that information??
These are legitimate questions that really do need an answer so we can understand how you plan to mine for the several years you propose.