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BioExx Specialty Proteins Ltd BIXZF

"Bioexx Specialty Proteins Inc is engaged in the development and commercialization of processing technologies, for use in the extracting various active ingredients from organic and inorganic materials. The company's primary focus is on the production of proteins from canola and other oilseed feedstocks. Its products include Isolexx, a protein isolate for use in bakery products, meat products, vegetarian food products and meat analogues, and nutritional and protein bars, drinks, and supplements;

GREY:BIXZF - Post by User

Comment by DrAuditon Mar 29, 2012 4:44pm
Post# 19735619

RE: RE: Technical Deduction

RE: RE: Technical Deduction

Well this is certainly worthy sticking around for. Very entertaining.

I imagine there will be a refreshing candour in the air tomorrow evening.

Gentlemen - a bientot,....


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