Interest Reading NORTHERN GRAPHITE (V-NGC) $3.19 +0.17
So much for that old saying of Sell in May and Go
Away...this year it came very early and it feels like it was
Sell in February!
There are some writers though, such as Keith Schaefer
suggesting that, “No, this year it won’t be sell in May, that
you are going to use April as a time to load up” least
for the oil stocks. Needless to say, we hope he’s right, but
in the meantime, there has been only about one sector that
we can see that has had any joy at all and that’s graphite.
One of the major players in that has been Northern
Graphite which we have written up once before, but we
have to say how amazed we are...just look at the chart!
Jimmy Dines is being given credit for much of the bump
in the last while as his recent newsletter suggested we are
on the verge of a big bull market for the graphite sector,
but in the meantime, the importance to graphite is it is
used in batteries.
Canaccord’s Instant Coffee writes, “Currently, batteries
account for roughly 5% of global graphite demand. However,
demand for lithium-ion batteries for use in various
applications is growing by 20% per year. As you need 20
times more graphite in a lithium-ion battery than you do
lithium, it is clear that there is potentially strong demand
for large-flake, high-purity graphite in the future.”
Is there anything left in Northern Graphite after all this?