RE: It's an illusion "msq up 17 percent"
It's the pump fairly in action, Paulna. Neither sustainable nor realistic. BMO is buying, at 48.8 cents, the paper which they sold on Monday and Wednesday at 40 and 42.
Canaccord has added more paper, at 45 cents, to the pile which they've accumulated since January 1 (and they're still underwater, lol).
MSQ traded 5,234,000 from January 1 until yesterday, shedding nine cents (17.6 per cent) in the process. Don't go getting all wet and warm because CC and Scotia are swapping paper.
You keep on forgetting, Paulna, that you've proclaimed ever since you started posting here that your average is about 80 cents.
MSQ closed at 51 cents on the last trade of December, 2011.