RE: RE: RE: And Morgan Stanley continues the game. (lol) No. Certainly not in plain English. If I could it would be like a base coach scratching his ear one too many times. Time to change the signal, and most would agree that signals appear to be used on the Venture.
Trading stocks is like any other auction. Bidders and sellers set the price....unless they are trying to run up, or push down, the bid. Consider an estate sale. Most auctioners are forthright, however there is always the less ethical one who puts ringers in the audience to bid, I have even watched one auctioneer take nonexistent bids. It takes teamwork.
Consider if I hold a seat on the exchange my overhead is in, and suppose so do you my friend. So I sell you 10,000 shares , at a price, you sell them back to me at another price, repeat, maybe throw in a cross where we sell to ourselves and then make sure at the end of the day that it all comes out in the wash. Did any shares really trade hands?
This could get lengthy, however take one simple example of the last few days. Is Morgan Stanley using a signal? The only trading they are doing in their own name is by minimum 100 share lots (sure must be poor to only have clients who can afford that) which they offer for a lower price than the last trade ...down goes the price penny by penny . Again this is the only trading they are doing unless they are using Anonymous, house #1, and/or Jitney 99 or another accumulator. Check this yourself, Stockwatch, old site, will give you trade by trade or better, and in free real time, Vantage Wire...just look 'depth'. Also ask yourself how 'real' are continuous 100 share trades by four major houses. I could get specific but accucations, as opposed to warnings, need better proof. The tenor of your posts indicates you can spot a lot of this on your own and we can share observations.
As always greed and fear control the markets. Fear is at work now. And fear will work again as the price starts to move up, as it will, and more 'shaking' (your word) takes place as additional nervous are willing to settle for close to the price they paid. And guess who will be buying those shares for real. And Oh, this is not day trading here, no real volume for that, although there is some shorting...the name of the game is, IMHO, accumulation. So I ask is Morgan Stanley spending all day here to sell 4 0r 5 hundred shares, or do they have a larger plan? Cheers, hawk