RE: RE: RE: Potential News 2012 is calendar year 2012. Sandstorm loves NovaDX and is counting on it to be the crown jewel of their investments. See what an analyst had to say recently about thr Rex mine relative to Sandstorm's investment:
"So what’s it worth? Well, I’ll break it down in the valuation section below but lets just say there’s a decent chance that Rex is Sandstorms most valuable asset, in which just like Gordon Creek, the NPV of all future cash flows is likely worth more than the current enterprise value of Sandstorm as a whole. With an initial production run rate of 450-500k tons per year and a 2p reserve value of ~39m tons, this thing has the potential to become a cash producing monster once it grows up. Think about it like this, barring a substantial increase in annual production, current reserves dictate a LOM ~78 years!!” Call it the “super long lived, long-lived asset” if you will. From a cash flow perspective, assuming a flat silicon coal price (so a ~115 cash margin/ton) and zero increase in mine resources (both ridiculous assumptions), Rex would generate ~$14.3m to SND every year for the next several DECADES. Read that twice.
Remember, you can theoretically purchase the whole enterprise today for ~100m. Lets take a moment to think about how crazy this is, as even if we assume flat prices, no resource expansion, a conservative recovery rate and in one last fit of insanity decide to zero out the entire rest of SND’s current – and hugely valuable – existing streaming portfolio and assume they never do another deal – even then – we would be purchasing what I think is intellectually valid to characterize as a fully covered, 40+ year senior secured bond with an implied ~15% annual yield, where that yield is highly probably to grow substantially over time. Now if that doesn’t put it into perspective for you, you should probably just stop reading now. Not to beat a dead horse, but this business at this price is a GIFT."