cancen Not looking for inside info Goulish, merely any info about Cancen to be able to get a handle on how this company compares to others in the industry and thereby afix a valuation . Investors need information to base their investment dollars on. You don't buy a car cause someone saqid it's a good deal, without researching it. That's why I appreciated Casey sending me the presentation and pointing out the second website I wasn't aware of.
How many shares do you own and at what price Goulish? Of course that's very personal, and I don't expect an answer. Only an idiot would ask that.
From the presentation, Cancen appears it could be the biggest in this industry, especially as it seems to be targetting the U.S.
Have a great week all, and excuse my rambling replies to Goulish, I now will be gone. Sparky. Watch WER this week, and BTR in the coming weelks. Cheers.