RE: RE: RE: RE: CRK Moving Forward I once read that there are some things that can't be explained to a virgin adequately using words or pictures. Losing money in the stock market is like that. While I am not advising you take a loss here I don't think you can come to terms with a loss until it is taken. I happen to think that if you have a long enough time horizon you will at least break even especially if you are holding shares and not warrants. I have a policy of getting out of warrants when they have 2 years remaining no matter what. This may turn out to be premature. The people running these companies can't tell you anything about how the market is going to treat their share price regardless of the news coming forward. I can give you instances recently where good news takes the stock price down. Their is nothing to be gained from asking them for their crystal ball is no better than yours. Unless I am willing to make good their loss I never advise anyone on investing. It is a quick way to destroy personal and family relations, not to mention the personal responsibility about the outcome that anybody but a Financial Advisor would worry about! But you already know that. I feel your pain but it may be time to distance yourself from your computer and this stock and sort out your investment strategy. Peace of mind is much more important than money or investments. There may be a time coming when the only thing with gold in it that won't be going up will be Goldman Sachs. How long it will take for gold stocks to move up in these rigged markets is anyones guess.This is a giant casino and we are swimming with the sharks. And they have black boxes and robots on their side.