RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: lawsuit The Puke posits, "I don't discount Brian's ability to bring home the bacon."
Neither do, I, Puke, neither do I. Unfortunately, the bacon he's been bringing home has ended up in his home (his and the kid's $25,000-per-month salaries and expenses, the near-$250,000 advance to the kid, and the access to the boat, the plane and the Benz).
Iffin you could look at this dispassionately (hard to do when you're sucking on the company teat), you'd have to agree that the present management is as useless as teats on bacon, right?
Murman suggested, "Besides it does not matter, shareholders have to approve any sale and with such a large opposition group."
Totally wrong, unfortunately. Shareholders didn't get a chance to approve the original purchase of Cumo, the sale of Cumo, the sale of the Cariboo properties to Wayside/Barkerville, the sale of the Trikay for pennies on the dollar to IEMR, the sale of the Brett to Running Fox, the sales of anything...or the purchase of the plane, the Benz, the boat and Kirkness (and the annointment of the Kid to Kikness).