NR without any Drill results??? Once again it is THAT time of year again....
Spring Thaw is here.....
WHERE oh WHERE are the Drill results from Super Zone, Down Dip at Discovery Zone, or ANY of VMS's other properties.
This is about the 4th positive catalyst we have had since Reed Lake Mine announcement in Dec. 2011....Stock is up roughly 5 cents since then...
I don't see how ANYONE can be happy with SP vs. the NRs that we have had in last 4 months....on average we have gotten 1 cent for every POSITIVE NR in last 4 months.
.36 cents is abysmall share price and horrible undervalued IMHO.
Drill results and increased tonnes are ONLY thing that will MOVE this stock.....
WHY do we have to WAIT for HBM to create value for S.H here???
WHAT is VMS Management doing to create value?