RE: Why so quiet? Just to let you know that VICTHOM HUMAN BIONICS was founded in 2002 as a result of a reverse takeover. There has been an IPO in 2003 at
.50. The stock climbed to approximately $1.50 at the highest in all its years of trading. Everyone wonders why is management taking so long to act upon a business plan in order to create shareholders value. VICTHOM is only a 2-man company who has relocated in November 2011 from Quebec city to Montreal (CANADA). All what this company is having is approximately 3M$ in the bank and it is awaiting to receive at some point royalties from its products Power-Knee and Neurostep. There is a Board of directors of 4-5 members each paid approximately $30,000/year which is unfair given they receive this money, I would say as a freebee or undeserved bonus, while the company is practically dorman - I have made aware the company of that irregular situation. I have even asked management both in 2010 and 2011 to unfold if they can't put their acts together and deliver to shareholders. The chairman of the Board at VICTHOM is a former Premier of Quebec. These fellows are very conservative. I dont know who is/are the top shareholder(s) but the stock will pay out someday. It is worthed