RE: Tanking (tank you, Sumac) My, my, how the worm has turned.
Just last November, Sumac, you eagerly welcomed the two new board members and were giddy with your thoughts as to what they would add to the company.
All last year, (when you weren't busy calling Bear and me bashers), you spammed the board with countless predictions that the Financing Fairy was on its way, ready and eager to drop $75 million into the hands of MSQ's management.
You even predicted, in 2009, that the Chinese were eager to provide the $75-million financing.
Aweel, that was then and now is now. The "Chinese" are now eager to have the Court remove the board of directors (including the two you so avidly welcomed), claiming irregularities in the voting, and there seemingly isn't anybody currently interested in either financing the project or buying the shares.