RE: RE: Jennings... Hi Belgie...
The house info I posted comes from but you need a subscription to view... Subscriptions start at $10/month I think. Valuable information sometimes. Good for times like this to see if there are any houses consistently on the bid or ask side... taking advantage of the current 'funny business'.
IMO Mineral Ridge is very valuable and the 'big guys' know it. Waterton's involvement here proves it. I would guess there is a lot more gonig on behind the scenes than we know. People are not willing to fight over something that is not valuable... and now it would seem there is a fight for GPXMs 20% stake in Mineral Ridge. Interesting to say the least. Very suspicious Waterton would immediately jump to proceedings to seize stake rather than work with GPXM to resolve payment issues. Waterton is a lending/financing company are they not? Wouldn't think they'd be interested in an equity stake in a small heap leach operation (risky) versus more cash and/or cheap warrants (less risky), would you? Rhetorical questions. Someone seems to want GPXM out of the picture entirely. All this makes me wonder who is behind Waterton and what is their 'real' motive here.
Not trying to pump/promote but there seems to be a similar situation of 'funny business' going on with GGN... a very similar (almost identical) Nevada heap leach producer and recent Waterton client (coincidence?)... not too far from Mineral Ridge. I am a shareholder there and have been following GGN and SGN progress very closely given their huge similarities. Leading up to Waterton involvement, GGN was hit with a very suspicious string of 'bad' news... landholders lawsuit, CEO firing, production 'issues', etc... none of which seemed to make sense but all of which happened within the span of a few weeks... as if to 'punish' share price/market perception. GGN even saw manipulative algorithms to move share price down very quickly. Since all of this GGN has been very quiet... even though they are now producing and pouring dore bars (as of last week)... very little details or publicity for such a huge milestone few companies actually reach. Anyhow, again not trying to pump/promote GGN but I do find their 'story' and now the very similar SGN 'story' that is now unfolding very interesting and unusual. Like I said, you don't see people fight over things that aren't worth anything.
I speculate there is an effort underway to consolidate a few very similar operations in Nevada. JMHO.