RE: not all doom and gloom for U.S. coal exports And here's your rebuttal.
1st. your quoting the WINNIPEG NEWS... shame you'd even read this paper. 2nd. it's last years news.. didn't you read the first line?. 3rd here is the real news. coal now being shut in queensland cause LAST quater pricing wasn't high enough to achieve profitability. Get this.... in the face for 7 coking coal mine strikes/lost production. U'd think the strike would pressure prices upwards?.. this is still the tail spin of resouce stocks dealing with the slow down in China.....all cause the leadership change in china this year. I now hold the opinion that 2013-2014 will be coals return. JMHO. still having fun shorts?... and speaking of shorts you just might buy a new pair or lose yours come fridays china GDP#