SINO-FOREST CORP is a Listed company for 17 years registered with OSC
1, If it has fraud, it is OSC 's fault first since it did not find and
stop much earlier to protect investors
2, all listed companies message their own accounting, it is so easy to mislead and defraud investors, if the sino forest has reported a accounting false or misleading, it is the system problem since all the companies registered with OSC pay all the accounting and auditors, everybody has the opportunities and potential to mislead and defraud investors, it is OSC 's fault never to stop listed companies to manipulate their own accounting and auditing.
3, SINO-FOREST has massive business data and business activities and who has the ability to understand the analyze
It is the businessman and investors, not a lawyers and reporter, so many experienced investors and institutional investors are voting the sino-forest big times , is OSC blind?
4, Investigation is fine, but who give the authority to OSC or its employees to destroy a listed company at will, it is investors' asset and investors’ choices, not OSC, do investors have any right to determine their money and investment? Did investors did anything illegal? It is not OSC and its staff 's asset and interest so they never care and responsible for any damages
5, Is OSC protecting investors and public by the way of defamation, destruction of business, or chinese business?
6 , Media and OSC is welcome to investigate SINO-FOREST CORP, My business and any business well to inform investors and public , it has no power and right to destroy anybody 's business before full investigation, conclusion or conviction.
7, Investors are much smarter and experienced than any of OSC staff or its Chairman in sino-forest corp. and mine, why do not let the investors and public to decide their own matters and affairs.
8, Everything OSC did look stupid and mislead, but the public and media even believe and follow it, instead stop what OSC or regulator who can be stopped OSC harming investors and business and public ?
9, it is obvious that OSC staff is racist and discriminative for
Chinese people and new immigrates, use Chinese and new immigrates as scapegoats of OSC and its registered companies
10, OSC 's actions are based on opinion and perception, or some facts or excuses, it is detrimental and devastating to investors and business, it hurt business and economy.
11 OSC could get a big trouble if it prove wrong, all lawsuit or class action should go to OSC which make investors' asset destroyed , it OSC make fraud possible and big and it is OSC destroy investors' interest taking actions wrongly
I wish you, Mr. David Olive, a journalist could help investors and business to tell the truth on OSC and work together to better the world
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 4:27 AM, Olive, David < wrote:
David Olive
Business and Current Affairs Columnist
Toronto Star
Blog: The Great Recession
Print archives:
Many thanks for your note. It is indeed a most unusual situation, and action for the OSC (and the SEC) to take against N.A.-listed companies with Chinese operations. Given that so many companies not targeted by Carson Block have been subjected to SEC scrutiny, beginning last December, I doubt Muddy Waters is the sole or even principal impetus for the regulators' actions.
Best regards, David Olive