RE: Agoracomers confused.... Primed, if I may be so bold as to add a number 3 to your list:
3. Quit acting like Havilah is a deal so mind-blowingly beneficial to shareholder that if it were not to happen it would ruin everything.
By spinning out Havilah, you get to be diluted further through private placements and incentive stock options and you get to pay a whole other company's worth of salaries. Based on the financing price of 0.10 and SLI's current shareprice of 0.55 and recieving 1 share for every 20, the net value of Havilah to SLI will equal 1/110th. But what the heck, they're free, and maybe they'll be worth more than SLI some day (actually there's a pretty good chance of that).
So for those of you sitting on 100,000 SLI shares, here's what the math looks like:
SLI peak value: $280,000.00
SLI present value: $55,000.00
Havilah "offering" shares awarded: 5,000
Havilah value: $500.00
Who can't use an extra five hundred bucks? I mean it's free!