RE: RE: Randall Abramson: Positive Comments on Mar First of all, thank you Capharnaum for the update on the LSQ Mill.
Secondly, when Randall Abramsom spoke he mentioned that he preferred that FTP have less debt and eluded to the potential that either the Lanquart or Dresdan Mill may be sold. I for one, support both assests being sold.
The main focus for FTP is dissolving pulp. (Not printing currency or wall paper in Europe)
As a reminder to new investors, Chad has an eye on another DP mill. Back in November, I recollect a time frame of 3 to 9 months for both mills. That would translate to a potential August/ September purchase date for another mill that has the potential to produce 100,000 m/tonnes per year of DP..
Keep up the excellent posts,