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Mira Resources Corp V.MRP

TSXV:MRP - Post by User

Comment by Mlachakeon Apr 20, 2012 11:34am
Post# 19816675

RE: Could these two companies merge?

RE: Could these two companies merge?

A real possibility to me, Aldrin stated that they would diversify their focus when Thomas was appointed.( I read that to mean fromm minerals to oil). I think that could be the option B if acquisation does not value Mira suitably. Aldrin has money, I think it was about 40M in bank and Mira needs about 50M for TSB 3 and pipeline. To me this makes sense as a way forward. Aldrin diversify with very little risk and Mira gets the money they need under suitable negotiations/terms. The good thing is that the insiders remain heavily invested in Mira compared to Aldrin and they kept on buying Mira after the appointment so I would expect Mira to have an upper hand on the deal. Interesting to wath what's going to happen next few days/weeks. Maybe thats why the insiders stoped buying over a month ago if the discussions with Aldrin have started as we wait on reserves estimates. Gl to all.

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