RE: Met Coal I'll share another theory that I'm working on that will set my investing strategy for this year.
I think we are in for a serious correction in the markets in Sept/Oct if not sooner.
The backdrop to this is all about the US. By the end of this year, the US will be confronted with a slate of policy issues that will make even the most optimistic investor run for the hills. Payroll tax, Bush Tax, increase in Capital Gains Tax in 2013, Obama healthcare starting 2013, debt ceiling, etc. Given this backdrop, this summer might be the exact opposite of what usually happen in the market, buy in May and sell in Sept. Not to mention all the cra#$p out of Europe starting in May.
So, for CMK, the window of opportunity is very tight. Can they get 10 CM up and running by June, secure contract sales and produce a positive longwall study.