Perspective Transalta did all their DD on contracts and the condition of the boilers for Sundance 1 and Sundance 2. Older, less efficient coal fired units towards the end of their life. TAC had all the time to review their legal position before initiating. Transcanada is in a reactive position. Cheap natural gas prices and a sustained spark spread on btu to MW/hr. It's a squeeze for partial settlement on what was base load prices per MW/Hr. Transcanada was in a position to resell on the power pool in Alberta. The hedgies are having at this stock until any arbitration results come out or the Q release and CC April 26. Now how does one ride their coat tails down and back up. TAC has commited to the dividend. It's sustainable at 35% of cash flow. So it's being paid at close to 7% to sit and wait out until the eventual short squeeze. I'm in for the ride.