Chatter are bitter pumpers from ALA i posted that ALA was not a buying opp at 32 30+ and they could not handle it... bitter enuf to follow me to several boards... small time charlie investors who rely on bullying and pumping...
as for CCO, i think there will be several trading runs but no sustained move up until the HEU is closer... higher lows so upward trend though... as i posted recently, we are in one (and one of the stooges even said he bought after my comments, lol !)... btw, i traded out earlier at 25 when all said it was headed to 40... still holding free shares...
i have been right here too! and if any of you really believe a bullboard influences a 4-6 billion dollar market cap stock like those stooges, give your heads a shake... the real action is by institutions who get the retail crowd to follow their lead... buying and selling... do you think they started selling at 26 first? what was the reason? ....
i'm just posting my comments for discussion... if you need someone to pump your spirits and say its going to 40 every month, you are destined to be as pathetic as those mental midgets...
they will respond so this board will just get stupid... gotta luv bullboards !!