Thoughts..... After reading the below post this afternoon, and I listened to the webcast this am....I have some thoughts also.
First, the last time YNG split was back in July 07....10 for 1....but that's a different time.....we had a rundown mill, and gold prices were not that hot. Graham Dickson came in with his crew, and thought they had won the jackpot....they soon run out of money, especially when they needed the new money, the world's financials fell apart ....I think that was Aug/Sept of no new money for and old mill was available.
After that the shares just fell apart...I am sure they went down to 2 cents, I know....I bought more at 4 cents, and I accumulated a lot more at nearly bottom prices. Yukon Nevada was on the verge of going under, Graham Dickson found himself a "white knight" ....ORIFER S A new European money.Orifer and Sprott came to the rescue.....then the found out that this mill was a monster....prehistoric....throwing buckets full of mercury into the air....they were shutdown by the NEPA....and the feds.
Now Graham Dickson, who probably nobody liked if they were shareholders disigned a propietary designed mercury scrubbing system that removes nearly all the mercury from process before the waste heat is allowed into the design available as of now.
Anybody that has been a shareholder for years knows of the trails and tribulations YNG has gone through with the Jerritt Canyon mill.....
We all know the present situation of bringing the totally refurbish mill up to speed....will will happen.
Now my comments after listening to Bladock et al this morning....It seems like they have a piper who wants to call the tunes.....but there are more then one piper, you have Orifer, Sprott and other large noted shareholders...who have put in hundreds of millions of dollars...they want return. It's not their fault, or anybodys fault that the jr. gold and silver shares are in the can......blame it on the US, Wall Street, and the US treasury for driving down the price of gold and silver, so they don't lose control....If the do lose control and the price of gold and silver would skyrocket......Then the share prices would be reaching for the ceiling.
At times we get negative comment about the past YNG......this is a new company....only one of the old crew left is Graham Dickson.Now, why are these negative nellies always upset....they were old shareholders that didn't buy cheap shares to cover their old expensive shares...that's why they are angry...old shares at old prices. We had a guy here called Artie....who would raise the roof about YNG...Artie was an old shareholder, own I think about 80K share with a price of about 6 bucks.....don't quote me on that...Artie's bundle was tied up in YNG old the old price. Artie doesn't post anymore, he was involved in a bad accident...and is unable to post his thoughts.
Now, I hope you understand why we still have angey shareholders, who post historical old information.....they are afraid to let go.....they had value....but it's gone now...but they are still angry.....