Some Conference Call notes
· They’re encountering more realgar and orpiment, indicators of highgrade.
· Notable that they’re finding highgrade higher up.
· They’re seeing hypogene oxidation below the sulphides, a very good sign.
· Deep oxidation too at the Railroad zone(1200ft) which looks to be getting better going north, (an area never drilled) towards North Bullion. (Now wouldn’t it be sweet to join those two zones)
· More factors are showing the likelihood of a very large system. They’ve gone from 11 sq. miles to 30sm, with arsenic and gold spread throughout. 7 to 10 main targets. Besides North Bullion and the RR zone, they’re planning on drilling the historic Bullion Zone. There’s many opportunities present on the flanks of this large district size dome. To the west, towards Bald Mountain is a large area of altered rock that’s never been drilled.
· The combination of both tectonic and dissolution breccias down deep create an environment similar to the northern Carlin mines.
· Dave said that at North Bullion, they’re moving west to east, ‘sitting up on a horst, drilling the downside, the footwall side. There may be multiple mineral horizons going down the footwall. They still haven’t found the hard boundary to the east, but he figures it’s a big graben 5000 to 6000 ft thick. (sorry Spherites, that may be the geological divider between RR and Poker Flats)
(I'm trying to learn a little geology 101)
A graben is the result of a block of land being downthrown producing a valley with a distinct scarp on each side. Graben often occur side-by-side with horsts. Horst and graben structures are indicative of tensional forces and crustal stretching. Graben are produced from parallel normal faults, where the hanging wall is downthrown and the footwall is upthrown.
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· Gold grades are similar to what was seen at Goldstike and Gold quarry. The big Carlin Mines have the big zones of ¼ oz gold per ton. (hole 12-1…140 feet (42.7 meters) of 0.274 oz Au/st (9.40 g/t Au)) Bigger thicknesses lead to higher grades. (537 feet (164 meters) of 0.099 oz Au/st (3.38 g/t Au)
· They’re going to put up cross sections and longitudinal diagrams of the NBZ on website, hopefully by Tuesday.
· North Bullion is large: 3000ft x1500ft xminimum of 1500 ft deep, open north, northeast and south.