.31 is better than a sharp stick in the eye My "subject" line is all I'm going to say about Teuton today.
Congrats, Ernesto, on GTA.
To JumperOne, please stop embarassing yourself with these sophomoric posts. I know you're actually a bright guy.
In the past, you have written to me privately and I was shocked to learn at how well spoken and intelligent you actually are in reality. Why you use this personna on the Bullboard is beyond me.
You may have noticed my own glowing predictions have not yet happened, even though I think they will, ultimately. With the humility conferred upon me by the lower sp, I've slowed down my posting. I think you should consider slowing down a bit yourself.
Ernesto is a good guy, a shareholder himself and while I don't always agree with him, I no longer mind when he kicks a little sand in our faces. All shareholders have a right to whine and moan when our sp is (temporarily) in the toilet. But when Teuton starts heading north, Ernesto will once again be proud of how he hung in there and won't even remember complaining about anything! That's human nature.
Yes, sometimes people questioning the management or complaining when I personally don't think it's justified gets under my skin. When the stock goes down or up just a penny, it's thousands of dollars for me.
An occasional tweak from Ernesto or whoever is not a problem. Ernesto wants us to succeed.
I can lecture you because I have reacted angrily to Ernesto's comments in the past here. But he's a good guy and very bright (not as bright as me though!) He is definitely NOT a "basher."
So think about cooling it for the reasons I've stated.