Short term catalysts Anyone who says there is no short term catalysts for this stock is either a buffoon or a scammer. Results from the San Rafael and El Cajon drill program will be released by mid May. Results from Phase 1 drilling at La Revancha should also be released mid May. Ist quarter results will be released mid May. The Tepozan drill program should be finished and the results results released by the end of June. The new San Rafael and El Cajon resource estimate should be ready around June 30th. An updated resource estimate for Neustra Senora should also be ready about the same time. I have never seen a company with so many short term catalysts. If even some of them are positive you could see a jump in the stock of 30-40%. If all are positive we will be headed to our old high. I said if. This stock is not for people betting the mortgage money, but if you have the balls and financial ability to take a calculated risk, this could be a home run.