Updated list Just in the past month or so......they got what they deserved. Punished. Their offensive posts and personal attacks on the company and legit investors removed from the archives. Great job SH!
All of these pathetic clowns suspended for profanity / character defamation or outright banned for getting caught using multiple fake IDs...while this is not an inclusive list, it gives you some idea that up to 34 aliases have been identified thus far.....so all there is left to say is....buh bye! lol
Specboy20ll......poof, gone!
machete22......poof, gone!
machete33......poof, gone!
Canteenboy....poof, gone!
moneymngr....poof, gone!
croupier1.....poof, gone!
Yousaytomato.....poof, gone!
Foxyroller poof gone?
duffyroller poof gone times 4
You can also add MelNotSoSharples to the list.......is BCsliver next? Hmmm.....anyone see him today?