House 79 CIBC world markets Mag Share Holders
Great start to the day and then comes in house 79 there was roughly 21 trades at in a range of 9.93 to 9.90 and then comes house 79 sells to it self at 9.85 100 shares but it doesn't have the desired effect next trade 9.90 then a few more like that and then House 79 comes back in and buys a hundred at 9.87 then sells that hundred next trade at 9.86 then coasts along for a few more trades then house 79 sells to it self or buys from in self how ever you want to say it at 9.85 100 shares.Now just looking at it they are hammering it we are 9.80 and all because of house 79 selling to it self and and buying this is criminal to say the least why can't there be something done about this? it is so blatant it is so in your face I just don't understand it.Look at the Canadian side of things in depth and tell me I am wrong.House 79 is royally screwing Mags Share price.It is blatant manipulation there has to be some sort of explanation for this.We as Mag share holders need to stand up and complain to the powers to be,and stop this or we are going no where and will be taken out at a low price.