Has anyone else tried the math?...I was somewhat curious what this product launch could potentially mean to BNC's revenue line if the commercialization of these two canine cancer products is even marginally successful.
So to start with... I disregarded the following statement and # quoted in the release...
"the global incidence of canine cancer is approximately 4.2 million new cases annually"
Instead, I googled for the incidence of canine cancer in the U.S where for sure a segment of the population will write a cheque for this type of treatment for their dog without too much hesitation.
This is what I found...
There are 65 million dogs and 32 million cats in the United States. Of these,
roughly 6 million new cancer diagnoses are made in dogs and a similar number made in cats each year
So assume just a 1% market penetration of the 6,000,000 new cases annually in the U.S = potentially 60,000 cases (again, that is assuming only a 1% rate).
Now, given Mr McRae has indicated in the release these treatments will be "cost effective". If you assume that this/these treatments may be in conjunction with another treatment (as possibly suggested closer to the bottom of the release) and you put a revenue figure back to BNC of just $1,000 per dog...the simple math is 60,000 x $1,000 = $$??$$... just a second, that must be wrong. I think my calculator is broken. Sorry about that...someone else will have to do the math on this potential revenue figure.
This could get profitable! rg
P.S... recall in the pr release... surgery and therapy costs for dogs with cancer can range from $3,000 to $15,000 and above.