RE: RE: Re: High Reward???? Thanks Huey. I was going to say I believe the price/demand for crude has changed a bit over the past 7 years .Hey, I am as anxious as the rest of us who are investors not manipulators. Like M1 said, we don't often have an opportunity like this as risky as it is. I wouldn't bet the farm on it but there is oil down there and I think these guys will find it. With all of us waiting for an announcement with baited breadth, let's not forget what ES is. I could not agree more with Jamie's comments on how this whole thing is about Jaguar and ED. Everything else in between is just noise. Planting the CGX flag in Guyana will depend on that and that alone. Now, if we get a hit on ES that should open up the door to explore that entire Basin and that would be a great thing but the show aint over until that happens.In the meantime we may see this stock look like a crackheads EKG readout but don't lose sight of the real prize. If we get good news this week I'll be the first one heading to M1's house for the party and I'll be bringing the drinks but don't forget the real news we invested for isn't coming out this week.
Its interesting to see some of the bottom feeders that show their heads when there is a potential feeding opportunity. Don't let them discourage you. Sometimes they win but sometimes they LOSE.