It only gets better from here...This is directly from the companies news release dated Apri,l 23, 2012....
Drill hole #3 (Z12-4F3), which is near completion, was collared 200 metres ('m') north of the original discovery drill hole (Z11-4F1) and drilled in a southerly direction. Significantly, upon passing through the overburden/limestone, the hole immediately intersected graphitic breccia which shows the deposit coming to near surface. A wide zone (43.1m) of graphitic breccia was intersected from 62.6m to 105.7m followed by a zone of graphitic overprinting from 105.7m to 133.5m. Another, very wide zone (128.1m), of graphitic breccia was intersected from 133.5m to 261.6m. This represents the largest intersection of graphitic breccia drilled to date. Graphitic overprinting consists of veinlets of graphite within the granite.
Drill hole #2 (Z12-4F2) was designed to test the southern extent of the graphite breccia pipe. The drill hole was collared 200 metres ('m') south of the original discovery hole (Z11-4F1) to test the limits of the geophysical anomaly model and to define the contact of the graphitic breccia body. The drill hole defined this contact and intersected a wide zone of graphitic breccia and graphitic overprinting, where the breccia pipe model predicted it would be located. The drill hole intersected a wide zone (59.62m) of graphitic breccia from 380.27m to 439.89m.
Graphite analyses for these two (2) drill holes are expected over the next 10-12 days. A plan map, section and additional photos can be found on the website at
Holes #4(Z12-4F4) and #5 (Z12-4F5) have been proposed by our geological technical team and are shown on the website plan map. These drill holes will further test the geophysical conductor with a large (400m) step-out to the east. Hole #4 is scheduled to be started in the next 5-7 days.
This news release was issued on April the 23, 2012..