For the sake of discussion Read today's 'THE IT NERD', "Route 1: The end or the end of the beginning?"
"Our Philosophy..."
* We provide coaching and tactical support based on our "street" experience.
* We do not rely....; principal attention to all clients AVOIDS diluting impact value and limits overhead.
How many shares in Route1 does Mr. Busseri own? Is it 10 Million? How long has he been with Route 1, is it 2 years?
385,368,715 common shares outstanding as of April 26, 2012 (NCIB purchase Jan.-Apr. 2012 - 3,551,899). Buy them back, cancel them, then issue large volume as options?
How much did Mr. Busseri's #'d co. 1220764 receive in 2011? Was it $406,800.00? And his salary along with it - $255,000.00? TOTAL for 2011 - $653,197.00?
Why the increase in transactions with "related parties" for 2012 ($1,173,748 as opposed to $883,853 2011)? "Related parties" - Chief Technology Officer, President and COO, and V.P. Finance and Administration. Did I read this right?
Could someone explain the "short-term employee benefits" of $600,463 and the "stock option expense" of $573,285 for the twelve months ended Dec. 31, 2011? I thought the "head-count" had decreased.
Also from GEP's website: "Ultimately, all of these transformational events require, 1,2,3(leveraging the support of stakeholders. This is where GEP Partner's skills, relationships and proven track record can best be utilized."
THE CORPORATE RESOLUTION GROUP - headed by Tony Busseri, Alistair Crawley (Partner, Crawley Meredith Brush LLP), and John Lute (President, Lute & Co.).
Handles Proxy Contests - "how to win."
Past History of T.B.:
Former CEO - Waste Services Inc.
Former executive - Laidlaw Waste Systems.
Hangfen Evergreen Inc. (provider of fertilizers), Jan. 12, 2009 - Apr. 2009.
Former Independent Dir. & Chairman of Audit Committee - Augen Capital Corp. (Also see, TRI-NORTH).
Former CEO & President - EMS/Englobe Corp. (which was taken private, 2011, by ONCAP 11 (Gerry Schwartz).
Long story, long history.
No doubt Mr. Busseri believes in his vision going forward.
Needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat soon.