on a Lighter note...in the hands of fate markets were rough today..but decided to post two video feeds,one Satyajit Das (Extreme money) details in simple language the synopsis of markets with a light delivery and joviality of Kim Parley and Andrew Bell; when asked what he's doing with his money he replied..Buy Oil, Buy Food and buy a gun..all in good humour but serious underlining tone ..file://localhost/Users/michael/Desktop/watch.bnn.ca:friday%23clip672625.webloc
also really enjoyed the conversation with David Prince on the strong Market forces corroborated with graphs of tanker carthage and 5000 TEU ships on seas and crushed gravel...while we have heard a lot about in May go away he is contrarian here and his reasons are compelling..file://localhost/Users/michael/Desktop/watch.bnn.ca:%23clip672667.webloc...
everyone have a good weekend...news mid May will be revealed one way or the other...