RE: Perspective US jobs #s, Euro debt crisis, weakening Chinese demand and the big one... the media, for justification of volitile price movement. Nicely orchestrated.
I sold RY ,I believe in November of last year for $58 somethin'. Today $54.47. Didn't they just have a billion $ quarter. Where is the shareholder value?
After they pay all the big guys their ransom, billions still remain. This monopoly money is then used to purchase pieces of the planet and large entities(other like or un-like business), so as to ultimately control, monitor and abuse its society.... I am not wrong.
When you pay someone 2.3 mil/yr. and give him an 8 mil. $ bonus, you've just devalued the dollar in relation to the masses.... I mean, sheep.
Such swings in price are just not relative to actual market conditions. April 10 cmk was $1.36, today ?
Nothing material has changed, but media news in a timely fashion will give rise to new hope and a 10 - 15% bounce back for this and many other stocks... quite a good return for a couple of weeks work... but not for me or most retail investors as we still require 5-15% to make or break even.
Somebody's got it figured out.