RE: RE: Kinross/Barrack Good point New Gold is one that has that potential. As far as Kinross i am happy to say i watch them ride it down. Earnings was the final capitulation. Again i don't look to make friends here thats the last item i would ever think about. This is stock market no one looks to make friends here.
Garth as far as your points this last few years on TVI all taken but not one of them worked the stock was sold down we saw CIBC broker 79 sell and sell and sell at the same time the talk was hope hope and more hope. I sold out at 4 cents as many of the people here are still in from 9 cents or 7 cents or 6 cents..
See you all at 2 cents then we can talk again.
Uncle i love it and hope you all get some meat out of this. The stock is trading rich.