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B2Gold Corp T.BTO

Alternate Symbol(s):  BTG

B2Gold Corp. is an international gold producer. The Company has operating gold mines in Mali, Namibia and the Philippines, the Goose Project under construction in northern Canada, and numerous development and exploration projects in various countries, including Mali, Colombia, and Finland. The Fekola Mine is located in southwest Mali, on the border between Mali and Senegal, approximately 500 kilometers due west of the capital city, Bamako. The Masbate Mine is located approximately 360 kilometers southeast of Manila. The Otjikoto Mine is located in the north-central part of Namibia, approximately 300 kilometers north of Windhoek and is a gold producer. The Company also owns the Gramalote Project in Colombia. It also has an interest in the Back River Gold District, which is located in Nunavut, Canada. The Back River Gold District consists of approximately five mineral claims blocks along an 80-kilometer belt. It is engaged in operating Goose Project, which is located in Nunavut, Canada.

TSX:BTO - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by nijinsky70on May 12, 2012 4:49pm
Post# 19902889

RE: RE: RE: Here it is

RE: RE: RE: Here it is

Hi Hopeful:


If nothing else I like your positive attitude and see all things through rose colour glasses.  Anyway, there is no point for the two of us to argue about whether the results are good or bad.  The market will tell us on Monday morning soon enough. 


I hope I'm wrong because BTO is my last gold stock holding.  The only reason why I have not sold it is because of the rather heavy capital gain tax that I have to pay if I do sell.  My average price is under $2.  I used to own around 7 or 8 gold miners and BTO is the only left and I held it since 2009.  Gold miners have been in a deep slump for about 18 months now and there is no end in sight for the investor money to come back.  BTO is the best of bunch but then the woes of gold stocks finally caught up with it recently too. 


My point is no matter how the market reacts on Monday I won't sell BTO this year.  I'm going to ride this out regardless and see if gold stocks can make a comeback. 

Bullboard Posts