RE: Hi there.Looking for reason to purchase SEDAR is down right now overnight so I will try to respond to some of your questions.
The CEO has a proven track record. His company back in 2002 Luisman was purchased by Wheaton River for (and remember this was 2002 when gold was trading at under $400 per oz) for an estimated $131,910,000. He then became a director for Wheaton River, which was subsequently bought by Goldcorp. Then he took the role of Executive Vice President of Goldcorp from March 2005 to September 2007.
Wheaton paid US$75 million in cash and issued 9.08 million Common shrs and also agreed to issue further 11.36 million Common shrs if the price of silver averages US$5 or more for 60 consecutive days prior to June 19, 2004. PREVIOUS: Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. agreed to buy Minas Luisman SA from Sanluis Corp. Under the terms Wheaton River would pay in a combination of $118 million in cash and $11.76 million worth of Wheaton common stocks to be issued at a 25% premium to the market price. In addition, Sanluis would receive $7.5 million worth of Wheaton shrs if the price of silver rises above US$5 per ounce for 60 consecutive days during a two year period after the transaction is closed. The transaction is subject to certain conditions including the raising of financing.
He has been firmly entrenched in Mexican mining for over a decade.
They have not done a financing since 2009 and have been slowly improving to become self sufficient through mining and turned their first quarterly profit. Unlike other gold, silver exploration companies who constantly require cash and financing to operate, they have actual productions that generate roughly $3 million gross revenue per quarter. If I remember correctly their costs have been around $1k per ounce, but this includes a royalty as well as operating and continually developing multi vein locations and several mine locations.
The San Francisco mine site (west of the mill site) is an example of development as it was recently added to the mill feed (about 15 percent so far). Through revenue they are also developing and improving the operations. There core hard assets alone are worth about $16 mil.
Trading at .04 with a market cap of $6 mil there is little downside. They do not promote (so far) and this isn’t a pump play typical of some companies although it would help for some promotion and many wish for at least some. With today’s markets there are those looking for value plays who are self sufficient and are no longer waiting for P+D companies waiting for drill results.
Warrants and options are well out of the money (.15,.20 and higher) so further dilution is not a factor right now and is widely institutionally held by some of the big names (Sprott, U.S Global, Mackenzie etc).who participated in previous financing.
Rochester is constantly finding developing and mining high grades Au and Ag and through revenue improving although slowly their milling operations. If you believe in 2k gold and $50 silver where else can you buy 25 shares for a buck of an actual Ag, Au mining operation with at least $3 mil. gross revenue per quarter?