Biren1 Unfortunately that would be true of yourself and few others. Keep in mind that INT traded 1 billion shares over a 6 week period and much of it above the $1.25 financing. Probably for most including myself it will be everything from a few hundred dollars lost into the hundreds of thousands lost if INT does not do this right and put themselves in at least a position to do well over the next two to three years. If this is a bust a lot of people are going to be hurt. You can say do your own D.D., buyer beware, sell in May and so on. It's all true. However it does not take the pain away from small retail investors that are not as savvy as many on this board. For those that take great joy in either pumping or bashing to gain whatever margins you get I would rather have a root cannel on all my teeth then go to bed at night with that on my conscience. Sleep tight. JMHO