RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: TULLOW & CGX I agree its a pickle but hopefully all their efforst to support Guayana through the border dispute will at least buy them the opportunity to either meet or extend things. I dont think the final chapter of this novel has been written yet. Lots can occur between now and June 2013............
I still say this situation creates a great business opportunity for someone wanting in and I dont think they will wait till next year to try and bid on it or risk CGX not losing it. I'm still hopeful all the chaos has a plan behind it. They had to be prepared for a miss on ES. Do your DD, the odds were really very low on hit. They had to drill something to meet the commitment and buy time to go deep.
My hopes are that the chaos that occured is based on a partenship plan resulting from the miss that Hermie was either against or the players wanted him out of.